Fast Cycle Electron Beam Welders

These flexible, EB welders for high throughput welding are characterized by a rotational base plate with integrated workpiece pallet. Available with either load-lock or drop bottom chambers. Developed for mass production of automotive components, these high-performance machines are also an optimum solution for many other applications. The EBOMAT series, fast cycle EB welders are designed for simple integration into automated production lines.

EBOMAT Series High Production EB Welders

For smaller components, such as automotive transmission gears, the PK 01's chamber volume is 25 liters and is evacuated to 5x10-2 mbar in approximately 8 seconds. Similar to the PK01, with a chamber volume of 70 liters - for medium to large components. Used typically for larger transmission parts.
For small to medium sized parts - with the ability to easily perform circumferential and axial welds in the same cycle. The shuttle machine. A high speed system - designed as a load lock cycle machine to weld smaller components as quickly as possible. A small load-lock chamber is used for loading and unloading work pieces while the process chamber remains under vacuum and is simultaneously welding another part. The EBOMAT PS 02 offers the shortest possible cycle times.


Chamber Volume

28 liter to 71 liter

Beam Generation
  • 60 kV Accelerating Voltage
  • 6 kW up to 25 kW Switch Mode Power Supplies
  • Fast Response, Closed Loop Beam Current Control
  • High Speed Digital Beam Deflection (Optional)
  • Siemens CNC for Motion, Beam Parameters and System Control
  • Ergonomic Operator Console
  • PC Based User Interface
  • Data Acquisition System

Drop Bottom or Load-Lock configurations, ideal for integration into manfufacturing lines

Part Handling
  • Fast exchange, standard workpiece pallets consisting of base plate and single/multi-spindle tooling
  • Active Counter Bearing (Optional)



For more detailed information, download our brochure.
